by JJ Hensley - 30 October 2010 12 H.
The Arizona Republic
Michelle Barfield has been prepared for the prisoners to harass her when she started his new job as an agent of Arizona, Department of corrections unit high security in Florence two years ago.
This Barfield do not count on receiving worse treatment of her co-workers.
Found federal jury treatment that Barfield endured by a group of male colleagues, including the words vulgar sexual acts and references to her marriage interracial, was inacceptable.La last week, the jury awarded its $ 600,000 in U.S. District Court.
The decision of the Court, in which a judge called "bestial," behavior of certain agents complete Barfield two years with the Department of services correctionnels.Mais fight his time with the Agency of the State prison is not continuous work for the State Agency, now in a different installation finie.Elle and hope she is sharing her story will prevent the situation from repeating itself.
Corrections Director Charles said Ryan takes seriously the allegations of harassment and has implemented a program of additional training for supervisors from allegations of Barfield to the Agency.
"I am disappointed by the signaled behavior and the apparent failure by the previous administration to respond to complaints from the employee in an appropriate manner", Ryan wrote in a development State. "This type of behavior will not be tolerated in the Department of corrections under my watch Arizona.?
Barfield said her allegations of harassment were ignored or minimized by supervisors at the prison in Florence, so that it remains skeptical about the commitment of the Organization to the dismantling of the correctional "boys club" agents that she said dominate some units of the State.
One of the policemen accused of harassing Barfield was fired for "conduct" and a supervisor has received a written reprimand to not respond to the concerns of the Barfield earlier, but it remains an employee of the Department of correctional services with other involved human.
Barfield supports harassment began almost as soon as she started to work in the central unit of Florence in November 2008 with co-workers, making comments about his appearance, his body and his motivations for working in a prison.
"They said, ' no daughter wants to work here, unless they want (having sexual relations with) an inmate or other agent,'"Barfield recalled in a recent interview.""
Firstly, Barfield said, she said other corrections officers do not talk of this fa?on.puis she tried to ignore it.
Colleagues said officers Barfield that correspond to their behaviour - as Barfield handcuffing a prisoner and his cap of Rotator cuff tear cell spam - fighting were part of initiation to the unit.
Time went without his colleagues change their behaviour, Barfield brought the situation to the attention of a commander.
Commander sergeant David Wall, initially encouraged at file a report "so that it would not become a problem (human resources)", said Barfield.
Later, wall was reprimanded by a Deputy Director in Florence.
"If you had been more involved with your subordinates inappropriate behavior would have been treated sooner or does not come completely,"Assistant Director Greg Fizer wrote on the wall.""
An officer was fired, but the situation is hardly améliorée.Autres officers responded not contacting it a hazard in the workplace.
Word is out in the Court marriage prison interracial Barfield.Bient?t, suspected of being members of a gang of white supremacist prison began making remarks about her marriage.
Barfield counsel wrote a letter to Attorney General Terry Goddard, warning him that nonresponse State put Barfield in a dangerous situation.
While Barfield processing improved working with his transfer to another complex, the apparent indifference of Florence goalkeeper kept on the stand during the trial of the Barfield left his wondering whether of the State prison system is seriously addressing sexual harassment.
In the trial, counsel for the Barfield, Stephen Montoya, queried guard Carson McWilliams and is reported in detail on reporting other officers to Barfield.Les statements included explicit officials want to comments submitted to sexual acts.
McWilliams said that the statements were certainly inappropriées.Mais he maintained that they have stopped harassment because there is no "other factors" issue, such as a supervisor of these declarations to a subordinate.
"One of the things we teach our employees to train our staff to do certainly is silent when things, and we will deal with them," said McWilliams. "Part of what led, is facts about talking and speaking immediately to do things.?
Barfield and his lawyer say his attempts to take the floor was ignored and there immediacy little or no response from the Ministry in its complaint.
U.S. District judge Frederick Martone agreed, written response State "goes well beyond neglect."
"I mean, it is almost worse that they did not know what kinds of conditions were prevailing in the cell block 4 if they knew and did nothing," Martone wrote. "" """This is just outrageous."
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